Pedagogue, teacher and mother of a big family.
An education enthusiast, she has worked as a trainer and coach for groups of families and educators on significant aspects of children and young people. For more than 20 years she has worked in adult education in the private sector, also in the teaching role and in the creation and management of centres. During her professional and educational journey she came into conflict with the traditional educational paradigm and from her personal work, she now defends with maximum motivation a conscious education in all its dimensions.
Born in Barcelona in 1976, she has a degree in Pedagogy from the UB and a diploma in Early Childhood Teaching from the UdG. She has always been constantly learning, especially in Emotional Education, Neuroeducation and Positive Psychology thanks to references such as Mar Romera, David Bueno, Daniel Goleman, Rita Pierson, Ken Robinson, or Dr. Shefali. Always happy to support the conscious awakening of others and her own, because life is a constant learning process.