At the conscious school Terra we work closely with all the parents of our students. In fact, we aspire for all of them to be awake and consciously living, so that there is coherence between what children receive at home and what they experience in class. To achieve this, we encourage you to transform with us, thus being able to honour the principles of the following decalogue:
1. Education is the responsibility of parents. They are your main references, guides, gurus, coaches and mentors to learn to live wisely. The school is the perfect complement for their optimal development.
2. The only way to educate is through example. Our children are nourished by who we are, what we do and say, as well as the energy we give off when we interact with them.
3. Emancipate yourself emotionally from your parents. If we are not truly at peace with our parents, we tend to treat our children the same way we were treated as children.
4. Practice conscious parenting. Waking up means that we understand that our children are actually mirrors that reflect our lights and shadows and in which we project what we carry inside.
5. The best thing you can do for your child is to be happy. When we are well with ourselves, we can relate to our children consciously, taking the most convenient attitude for them at all times.
6. Put their needs before yours. Being a conscious parent is about putting our ego aside, thus being able to empathize with our children’s needs instead of expecting them to adapt to ours.
7. Hold onto their emotions. As much as we may disagree with certain childish behaviours and attitudes, it is essential to learn not to disturb ourselves every time they get carried away by their emotions.
8. Accompany them with love. Our most important function is to accompany them emotionally throughout their evolutionary process, finding the strength to love them when they least deserve it, because that is when they need it most.
9. Talk to them with respect. Obviously, we have to set limits for our children; therefore, if possible we must try to put them on without aggressiveness or violence. More than anything because sooner or later we reap what we sow.
10. Let them go their own way. Instead of conditioning our children to see life in a certain way – ours – we have to ask them questions so that they discover their own for themselves.
11. Relax: there are no perfect parents. Whatever we do, the truth is that our children are going to have to deal with their own traumas. Let’s focus, then, on becoming the change we want to see in them.