The old industrial education system emasculates self-esteem, cripples confidence, and kills children’s creativity. Proof of this is the neurosis and discomfort that the vast majority of adults suffer –or have suffered–. All of us who are part of Terra Escuela Consciente know this from personal experience. In fact, it is precisely our own experience of transformation that moves us to want to transform schools as we know them.
We are convinced that education is both the great problem and the great solution for humanity. Society and the system are faithful reflections of how citizens think and behave. Hence the educational revolution is what ultimately truly transforms the world. Not surprisingly, the conscious education that we promote seeks for children to be able to harvest –in their own way, at their own pace and in due time– these five essential results:
1. That they value themselves. That is, they learn to cultivate self-love to enjoy a healthy self-esteem, feeling safe and comfortable being who they really are. That they learn to be happy by themselves, without the need for external stimuli or excessive attachment. And that they be empathetic, peaceful and loving towards others.
2. That they know how to fend for themselves. That is, they learn to be independent and self-sufficient in all areas and spheres of their lives. That they enjoy freedom of thought, that they have their own criteria and act with common sense. And that they know how to respond with maturity and resilience to the challenges that life throws at them.
3. That they are guided by their own values. That is to say, they enjoy an inner compass that allows them to know what is truly important in life. Let them be very clear about their notion of success. That they trust in themselves and in existence, making decisions moved by intuition. And that they act in a civic and integral way, cultivating altruism and generosity.
4. That they add value to society. That is, they know what they like (passion), what they are good at (talent) and what social problem motivates them to solve (contribution). That they develop their professional function with a vocation for service and integrity. And that they are leaders of themselves, committing themselves to a purpose that gives their life a more transcendent meaning.
5. That they have the courage to make a work of art out of their life. That is to say, that they are sceptical and dare to question the single dominant thought of our time. And may they grow into wise, conscious, and creative adults who dare to honour their uniqueness and live authentically. And that, ultimately, make the most of and enjoy this gift called “life”.