Terra is a conscious school for students between the ages of 1 and 18 years. In essence, we are dedicated to doing something totally disruptive and revolutionary: educating the new generations so that they know themselves, develop and learn to live consciously and be genuinely happy. To achieve this, we question the old educational paradigm. That is, the conventional and standardized way of conditioning, indoctrinating and programming students to adapt to the obsolete established social order.
On the contrary, we are committed to making them think “outside the box”, promoting a new educational paradigm, completely redefining the “why”, the “what for”, the “how” and the “from where” we educate. At the same time, we also question ourselves. Above all because we are “who” we educate… Instead of projecting onto children our limited way of seeing the world, the conscious education that we promote enables them to discover their own way of looking at it. So much so that our objective is not to prepare children to pass the selectivity test, but to coach them so that they learn to fully enjoy life.
We call ourselves “Terra” –which in Latin means “earth”– for a simple reason: because we conceive of children as “seeds”, each one unique, different, singular and special. In this sense, our learning coaches act as “gardeners”, caring with love and respect for each and every one of the flowers that bloom. All our learning coaches are conscious people who have gone through a process of crisis, self-knowledge, deprogramming, awakening and transformation. Not surprisingly, they embody what they preach, inspiring students and parents through their own example. At the same time, they all follow our innovative pedagogical methodology – the “weather conditions”– that allow the seeds to grow organically and naturally.
Our commitment is that at the end of their school years each one of our students finally extracts and manifests the “fruit” that they brought with them at birth. Thus, our main objective is to enable children to become conscious, wise, mature, responsible, free, authentic young people with a very clear notion of their passion, their talent and their purpose in life. And the best way to achieve this is by personalizing this educational process to the maximum, adapting to the needs and motivations of each child in the different stages of their physical, mental and spiritual development.