Vision, mission and values of Terra

The vision of Terra Escuela Consciente is to transform the education of humanity. In other words, to fundamentally change the old and limited conception we have of how and what we educate for. And this happens by replacing the obsolete industrial educational system with a new one that responds to current needs and challenges. Essentially because if we want to see real change in the world, we first have to change education. Our aspiration is to become the benchmark school of the 21st century.

The mission of Terra Escuela Consciente is to create an international and interconnected network of conscious  schools. We are going to turn schools into places where children learn to be happy and develop their innate potential. We are also going to train teachers and parents so that there is coherence between what is experienced in class and what happens at home. And while we started our journey privately, our long-term goal is for all children to have access to a conscious education. 

And the values of Terra Escuela Consciente are:

1. Awake and aware. We have suffered and gone through our dark night of the soul. And in the process we have committed ourselves to our own self-knowledge and spiritual development. We are awake, we live consciously and we are the change we want to see in the world of education. We always act with radical honesty and integrity, always putting the needs of the project before those of our ego.

 2.Love for education.We believe that current schools have become completely outdated. Our life purpose is to revolutionize the educational system. This is why our commitment is very long-term. We enjoy revolutionary patience. Children must be the true protagonists of their educational process. We work with a genuine dedication to service so that they have the best possible childhood and teenage years.

 3.Efeliciencia.We are very clear about our talent and we put it at the service of a profession that we are passionate about. We are extremely organized and proactive. We have the word ‘accountability’ tattooed on our hearts. We enjoy our job functions, which we carry out with efficiency and happiness. We take responsibility for achieving the expected results. We are autonomous: we do not need control or supervision.

 4. The best school in the world. We are very demanding, detail-oriented and perfectionists. We are always in ‘permanent beta’, questioning the way we do what we do to never stop learning, innovating and improving. We self-criticize and learn from our mistakes. We are healthily obsessed with quality and excellence. We believe it is time to create the contemporary ‘Howards of Witchcraft and Wizardry’. And what we believe, we create.

These four values represent the internal compass from which we make decisions to be faithful and upright to our vision and mission. In essence, they determine our organizational culture. That is, the way in which we do things inside and outside the school, establishing the way in which we relate to students, parents, teachers, investors and other collaborators.

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