
I have a degree in Early Childhood and Primary Education, a diploma in Montessori Pedagogy and a certificate in Positive Discipline in the classroom. From the beginning of my training, I felt a deep passion for education, but I soon realised that I did not...

Pedagogue, teacher and mother of a big family. An education enthusiast, she currently works as a trainer and coach for groups of families and educators on significant aspects of children and young people. For more than 20 years she has worked in adult education in the...

Educadora Infantil, actriz y productora. Emma is the only child of a single-parent family. She grew up very close to her grandfather, who passed on to her a love of learning. Her "adaptation" difficulties to her educational system led her to go through various schools and...

Early Childhood Education Teacher specialized in Attention to Diversity She considers herself a person who explores the world, with many concerns and open to learning every day from everything that surrounds her. Her Her personal goal is to grow through self-knowledge, a vital tool that has...

Senior Engineer, Strategic Consultant, Serial Entrepreneur and Entrepreneur. Juan de Olano is the youngest in a family of 4 children. He is happily married and has 3 wonderful children, all of them very different and unique. Since he was little, he has always dreamed of changing...

Writer, social entrepreneur and agitator of consciousness. Borja Vilaseca is happily married and is the father of a girl and a boy. He works as a writer, lecturer, teacher, social entrepreneur, businessman, investor and creator of educational projects aimed at promoting a paradigm shift in society....

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