Terra, a multidisciplinary pedagogical team

We are a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialised in a wide variety of areas related to pedagogy, development and human well-being. And essentially we have three things in common: firstly, we are completely motivated and passionate about being part of this wonderful project. Second, our life purpose is to transform education. This is why our commitment is very long-term. Thirdly, we believe that children and teenagers must be the true protagonists of their development process. This is why we accompany them with a genuine service vocation so that they have the best childhood and adolescence possible.

The Terra team

Borja Vilaseca
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Juan De Olano
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Txell Gelabert
Innovation & Development
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Alicia Bustos
Pedagogical development
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Emma Henríquez
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Carolina Conde
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Iris Beltrán
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Javier López
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Iris Méndez
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The 10 characteristics of conscious educators

The main added value of our school is the human quality of the adults. that accompany children and teenagers.

In Terra we call teachers and professors "learning coaches". Essentially because their role is not only to teach knowledge, but above all to accompany children in their learning, growth and development process. All of them have transformed with us and agree 100% with the following decalogue:


They know themselves.


They transmit joy and positivity.


Their life purpose is to educate.


They are experts in conscious education.


Their main quality is empathy.


They know how to set limits with love and assertiveness.


They question and encourage freedom of thought.


They live their profession with enthusiasm.


They keep the flame of creativity alive.


They are curious and always learning.

Join the team

Would you like to join our team?

Send us your application through our contact form, and we’ll keep it in mind for future selection processes.

Join Terra

We are looking for you.

Borja Vilaseca

Founder of Terra School

Letter from the founder

I never saw the point of the industrial education system. From a very young age I became the clown, the hooligan and the rebel of the class. I was deeply bored and found it very difficult to remain still and silent. At another time I would probably have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Today, I feel totally motivated and committed to complete the great gambit: to revolutionize the educational system, creating together with an extraordinary team the school I would have loved to go to.

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